Mohammad Hamzehzadeh

;Born in 1948 in Tehran
;Bachelor of Film Directing from Faculty of Arts
;Master’s degree in Media Management from University of Tehran

:Author of more than twenty fiction books for children and Young adults including
The eye the eye two fish , The Blood Orange , Sky Green , Two pedals and Four legs ,That man came in the rain , Babe Deer , The secret of locomotive, The adventures of Giggles , The adventures of Sky and String, The decisions of Cobra,.....
;Winner of Quarter Century Award for Sacred Defense Fiction and selected in several national festivals
;Editor of  Roshd  Monthly magazines for Children published by Ministry of Education for six years
;Editor of Soureh Montly  Magazine for two years
;Editor of Mehr weekly Magazine for two years
;Founder and  Managing director of Mehr Publishing House of Hozeh Honari for 14 years

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